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Алексондро из [27y]

официально объявить что Алексондро из [27y] пидорас

Ставь луйк если считаешь что он делает не правильно-_- ,agree that it is bad.This is proof (Banned him)
[27y] Alessandro: Join TS we have training! topcat.slyip.com
-MROK- Tibu: wtf?
[27y] Alessandro: We have training
[27y] Alessandro: Can you come?
-MROK- Tibu: hm im in 25th
[27y] Alessandro: You in both now
-MROK- Tibu: why?
[27y] Alessandro: Why what
-MROK- Tibu: why i need to join because i'm in other regiment
[27y] Alessandro: You joined us yesterday m8
-MROK- Tibu: yes
-MROK- Tibu: because you invite me
-MROK- Tibu: as invite
[27y] Alessandro: Eh
[27y] Alessandro: No
-MROK- Tibu: eh yes
[27y] Alessandro: We have some people from 25th
[27y] Alessandro: They are in both
[27y] Alessandro: What a problem for you?
-MROK- Tibu: just break the official rules by you
[27y] Alessandro: Which rules?
-MROK- Tibu: NE
-MROK- Tibu: *W
[27y] Alessandro: ?
-MROK- Tibu: do you know who are in your regiment from smolensk polk?
[27y] Alessandro: Yes
[27y] Alessandro: Artwo, Mixail
-MROK- Tibu: sry but i will not going to it
-MROK- Tibu: because we are not in same regiment
-MROK- Tibu: in smolenks polk
[27y] Alessandro: ?
-MROK- Tibu: so i realy need to join?
[27y] Alessandro: If you can, because it's training
-MROK- Tibu: for me tooM
-MROK- Tibu: ?
[27y] Alessandro: toom
[27y] Alessandro: ?
-MROK- Tibu: why i need to join if i was a full member of other regiment?
[27y] Alessandro: Because there already people from 25th and this regiment is better than 25th and you joined us yesterday...
-MROK- Tibu: how mutch?
[27y] Alessandro: How much what?
-MROK- Tibu: smolenks members in your regiment?
[27y] Alessandro: 2 now
-MROK- Tibu: only 1
[27y] Alessandro: Why?
[27y] Alessandro: With you 3
-MROK- Tibu: without me
-MROK- Tibu: !!!!!
[27y] Alessandro: Without you 2
-MROK- Tibu: who are they?
[27y] Alessandro: Artwo and Mixail
[27y] Alessandro: I said
-MROK- Tibu: where is mixail in your roster?
[27y] Alessandro: Hm he is not here
[27y] Alessandro: But he is in the gorup
[27y] Alessandro: Don't know why didn't i add him
[27y] Alessandro: After training will do
-MROK- Tibu: because he is in smolensk regiment
[27y] Alessandro: He is in 2...

С уважением, нижеподписавшиеся

Петиция официально объявить что Алексондро из [27y] пидорас к Алексондро из [27y] была создана и написана Артемий Панферов (tema0006@mail.ru). Эта петиция находится на публичном интернет-сервере www.OnlinePetition.ru. Владельцы службы и спонсоры не связаны с петицией. По техническим и другим вопросам обращайтесь на webmaster@onlinepetition.ru


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